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Courses and certificates accredited by Google Education Academy

You get free courses and certified certificates from Google Education Academy

What is the Google Skills Program?

It is a training program aimed at polishing your digital skills to be able to grow your business, career or even your self-confidence, in cooperation with experts who will help you achieve the desired success on the Internet. Anyone can participate in the Google Skills Program, regardless of their skill level, goals, or digital knowledge.

Skills by Google offers flexible, customized courses to provide you with the digital skills needed to help you grow your career or business at your own pace.

Improve your digital skills

Learn about tools to help grow your business

Prepare to enter the career path you want

The Google Skills Library contains the following courses:

Achieving success with analytics

Helping local customers find you online

Enhance knowledge of social networks

Using mobile for your business success

Dive into display ads

Take advantage of video content

Increase online sales

Get started with content marketing

The first steps towards success on the Internet

Contact via email

How are you found through search results?

Use of search results ads

Get started with analytics

Introduce your local community to your business

Show your business on social networks

Explore the opportunities offered by mobile

Advertising on other sites

Expand your business globally

Create your online store

Planning your online business strategy

Transform data into actions

Enter the site from here: maharat google

I hope the article will benefit you.

Courses and certificates accredited by Google Education Academy

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